United Way Glenelg Initiative

Little FREE Pantry

The Little Free Pantry (LFP) is a community-based initiative that aims to provide basic necessities to those in need.

The concept behind it is simple: give what you can, take what you need.

The pantries are located on the perimeter of five local primary schools and are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The LFP is designed to be accessible and non-judgmental, without any paperwork or registration required for users.

The LFP is overseen by the primary schools, with support from United Way Glenelg and Warrnambool and District Food Share. Neighbours are encouraged to donate non-perishable foods or hygiene items to the pantries.

If you wish to donate, simply purchase non-perishable, unopened items within the best-before/use-by-date and place them directly in the pantry.

People requiring food, crisis & supported accommodation can visit;

Little FREE Pantry Locations

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